In the Universities and Colleges Act §10-12, it is stated that students must have 20% representation in all decision-making bodies at a higher education institution. This gives the students a fantastic opportunity to influence their own study situation and decide on their own study routine.
In order for the students at UiS to be able to help shape their everyday study, a communication link is needed between the students and UiS. Student representatives function as this communication link as they promote the various issues and opinions of the student masses.
These students are representatives at all levels at the University of Stavanger.
The quality system for education at UiS includes the entire study portfolio; subjects, half-year studies, year-long studies, bachelor's studies, master's studies, PhD studies and further education. The quality system for education is a continuous professional development process where the students must be at the center and applies to the whole of UiS. Student union representatives are essential in the design and functioning of the quality system at UiS.
In addition to this, there is the Student Organization at the University of Stavanger (StOr). StOrs purpose is to organize the student democracy, and promote students' academic and social rights. We assist students in all kinds of cases. StOr is also a member team under the umbrella organization Norway's Student Organization (NSO), which works nationally with students' rights and struggles.
The Faculty of Engineering and Science
John Petter Nygaard
The Faculty of Social Sciences
Anne Torunn Sirevåg
The Faculty of Health Sciences
Rebecca Adele Esaiassen
Faculty of Performing Arts
Aslaug Margareth Vasshus
Business School UiS
Monica Long
Faculty of Education and Humanities
Fredrik Norman Skår
The student organization at the University of Stavanger (StOr)
The student union representatives at UiS also have their own Facebook page. The site is a virtual meeting place for exchange of experience and contact between student union representatives, and it is an arena for follow-up and information flow for StOr. If you are a student union representative, but not a member of the group, you can find it by clicking the button opposite!
Everyone who has been a student representative at UiS can order a certificate. Press the button below to access the form for ordering a certificate.