Third parliamentary session

Third meeting of the student parliament The third meeting of the student parliament was held on 21 March. In the meeting, we received an introduction from the leader of the student committee in Stavanger, Kristin Lode, who explained how work is being done to make Stavanger an even better student city. The student parliament was given an introduction to the proceedings and ambitions for the student town. Several of our committed […]

Nominees for the excitement award ​

Each year, the Student Priest, UiS, StOr and SiS award an award to a student, student organization or line association which has in a special way contributed to the social, vibrant student environment in the student city of Stavanger.

Education and learning environment award 2023

The aim of the Education and Learning Environment Award is to recognize the environment or individuals at the University of Stavanger who facilitate the students' learning through conscious, academic, pedagogical and social efforts.

Notice of the third parliamentary session

Invitation to the third parliamentary meeting Here comes the invitation to the third meeting of the student parliament. The meeting is set for March 21 and starts at 16.00 p.m. Food will be served for the meeting. The meeting place is the boardroom on the fourth floor of Arne Rettedal's house. Matters that you wish to be considered by the working committee must be sent to this e-mail by 7 March. The case papers are sent out […]