Third meeting of the student parliament

The third meeting of the student parliament was held on 21 March. In the meeting, we received an introduction from the leader of the student committee in Stavanger, Kristin Lode, who explained how work is being done to make Stavanger an even better student city. 

The student parliament was given an introduction to the proceedings and ambitions for the student town. Several of our committed students are already active in this development, as the student council consists of representatives from both the working committee in StOr, the Sponsor Committee and several union representatives at UiS. 

Out of matters at the meeting, the remaining operating funds were distributed,
StOr had a new communication strategy and job descriptions adopted
the working committee's next term was adopted. In addition, the selection committee visited and
briefed about the process linked to the election of new student representatives to
the working committee and the sponsor committee. 

The next parliamentary meeting will take place on 29 May, this will be our election meeting where a new working committee and Sponsor committee will be elected, as well as students for central positions at UiS.