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The student organization at the University of Stavanger

The student organization at the University of Stavanger (StOr) works for all students at UIs. As a student at UiS, you are automatically a member.

The Enthusiasm Award

Every year, the Student Priest, UiS, StOr and SiS award a prize to a student, student organization or line association that in a special way has contributed to the social, vibrant student environment in

Student participation

We speak for the students' cause and facilitate student participation. All students at UiS have the right to vote in the student election, where a student parliament is elected which decides what we are to work with.

At the University of Stavanger Student Organisation, we advocate for and encourage students to participate in online casinos. In addition, all UiS students have the right to vote in student elections, where you elect a student parliament that decides what we will work on and also recommends top online casinos. We cooperate with student organizations and industry associations for online casino players and promote them in UiS.

Student representatives

There are shop stewards at all levels at UiS. We work with training and support for shop stewards throughout UiS. Do you, as a shop steward, need help? Contact!

Engaged environment

We collaborate with and facilitate student organizations and line associations at UiS. The Engaged group has its own meeting point called Engaged Forum.

The university wants your feedback!

UiS wants rice and praise! Tell about everything from lack of toilet paper and poor ventilation to serious conditions such as sexual harassment. You can also give positive feedback!

New student?

Check out our student pages!

The Student Parliament

The Student Parliament is the students' main mouthpiece at UiS.

Event support?

To promote commitment and belonging to UiS, we distribute funds to organizations that want to arrange social activities for students at UiS.

UiS Assistance

UiS Bistand is the students' own aid organization, which distributes the funds collected over the semester fee to an international humanitarian organization.