It is a privilege to announce the two candidates for the Enthusiasm Award 2017:
Pan-African Student Union of Stavanger (PASU) and Niaà Raji. All students are invited to the Award Ceremony at Sommerfesten at Tappetårnet, 8th of June at 5pm.
Pan-African Student Union of Stavanger (PASU)
PASU has during its one year of existence, been able to put great visions into action. Celebrations, symposiums, dance classes and cultural sharing. They have contributed to a more colourful, joyful and integrated fellowship at the university. A model to every student organisation!
Niaà Raji
NIDAÀ RAJI is a second year Moroccan student who has contributed in various organisations, such as CAW, ISU, Naturvernstudentene and Folken during her stay in Stavanger. She participates in all kinds of student’s activities and everyone is a friend of Nidaà. You can always count on her. Nidaà was there, and you’d whish you had been there too!
Representatives from UiS, SIS, StOr and the University Chaplain were in the nomination committee.